

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

Sean Fieler: President Trump’s Effort to Shake Up the Fed

February 24, 2020
From APP chairman Sean Fieler’s op-ed in The Daily Caller: There is more to President Donald Trump’s monetary policy than political self-interest. If the president simply wanted low…

President Trump Makes Pro-Family Pitch in SOTU

February 4, 2020
Tonight in his State of the Union address, President Trump made a compelling case for his reelection, outlining the many successes of his first term and setting…

At SOTU Tonight, Trump Can Highlight Pro-Family Presidency

February 4, 2020
Tonight, President Trump will give the third official State of the Union address of his presidency. In his speech, the President will have the opportunity to highlight…

Terry Schilling at CNN: Trump Shows He Understands the Abortion Issue

January 25, 2020
From APP executive director Terry Schilling’s op-ed at CNN Opinion: On Friday, Donald Trump became the first President to speak in person at the March for Life…

Trump Admin Takes Action to Uphold Religious Liberty

January 16, 2020
Today, the Trump administration announced a number of new actions aiming to better protect religious liberty and First Amendment rights. Nine new rules were proposed, including by…

APP Praises President Trump’s Pro-Family Agenda on National Family Week

November 25, 2019
WASHINGTON – On Friday, President Trump proclaimed the week of November 24-30 as National Family Week, continuing a decades-long tradition in the U.S. of recognizing the importance…

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