

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

APP Supports Graham Resolution Condemning Impeachment Process

October 25, 2019
WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), joined by 45 fellow senators, introduced a resolution condemning House Democrats for breaking longstanding precedent and denying basic due process…

Terry Schilling on Fox News Discussing G7 Summit

October 21, 2019
This morning, American Principles Project executive director Terry Schilling appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends First” to discuss President Trump’s decision to move the upcoming…

Trump Charts Clear Path Forward for Republican Party

June 19, 2019
WASHINGTON – In a speech announcing the beginning of his campaign for re-election last night in Orlando, Fla., President Donald Trump outlined a clear vision for the…

APP Applauds President Trump’s Immigration Proposal

May 16, 2019
WASHINGTON – This afternoon in the Rose Garden, President Trump formally presented a new immigration plan developed by the White House with the hopes of restarting reform…

APP Praises President Trump for Opposing Equality Act, Defending Parental Rights

May 14, 2019
WASHINGTON – According to the Washington Blade, a senior Trump administration official has indicated that President Trump will oppose H.R. 5, which House Democrats have dubbed the…

APP Reaffirms Support for President Trump’s Pro-Family Tax Cuts

April 15, 2019
Today is Tax Day — and with it comes renewed attention to President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This afternoon, Terry Schilling, executive director of American Principles…

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