

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

Jon Schweppe on Tucker Carlson Tonight Discussing Big Tech’s Political Influence

August 25, 2021
Yesterday, American Principles Project Director of Policy and Government Affairs Jon Schweppe joined “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss APP’s BigTechFunding.org, which tracks contributions from Big Tech companies…

Terry Schilling on “Fox & Friends” Discussing APP’s Big Family

June 21, 2021
On Sunday, APP President Terry Schilling joined Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” to discuss the launch of APP’s new Big Family program. You can watch the…

Jon Schweppe on The Ingraham Angle Discussing Big Tech Influence on GOP

June 9, 2021
Yesterday evening, American Principles Project director of policy and government affairs Jon Schweppe joined Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss APP’s letter to Congress on…

Terry Schilling on Newsmax TV Discussing Importance of Fatherhood

May 3, 2021
On Saturday, American Principles Project president Terry Schilling joined Newmax TV’s “The Benny Report” to discuss the importance of fatherhood and family to American society. You can…

Terry Schilling on OAN Discussing Biden’s Latest Radical Policies

April 28, 2021
Yesterday, American Principles Project president Terry Schilling joined One America News’ “The Real Story with Natalie Harp” to discuss the latest radical policies coming out of the…

Terry Schilling on Newsmax TV Discussing Problems with Critical Race Theory

March 19, 2021
Earlier today, American Principles Project president Terry Schilling joined Newsmax TV to discuss to many problems with critical race theory and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ efforts to…

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