APP Press - Media

President Trump Signs Executive Order to Protect Children from the Transgender Industry

January 28, 2025

Today, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at protecting children from harmful drugs and surgeries attempting to alter their sex.

The order enacts a number of policy changes, including:

  • Directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to take all appropriate action to prohibit the chemical and surgical mutilation of minors
  • Defunding these practices through the military’s TRICARE insurance as well as in all federal grantmaking
  • Directing the Department of Justice to prioritize investigations into those who promote or engage in these practices, and to work with Congress to enact a private right of action for children and their parents who have been harmed
  • Ending all reliance on the “junk science” of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) and instead performing real, rigorous research into how to best help individuals struggling with gender dysphoria

Last year, American Principles Project (APP) outlined the full extent of the predatory transgender medical industry in the groundbreaking report, “The Gender Industrial Complex.”

In response to the executive order, APP President Terry Schilling released the following statement commending the president’s action:

“The castration and mutilation of minors, under the euphemism of ‘gender affirming care,’ has become one of the worst medical scandals in our nation’s history. Seemingly every week, more stories emerge of individuals who have been hurt by the transgender industry — their bodies and minds permanently scarred by the awful malpractice they were subject to. This tragedy cannot end soon enough.

“Last November, President Trump won a resounding victory in no small part because of the bold stand he took against gender extremism of the far left. Today, he has fulfilled the campaign promises he made and more, confirming the trust that tens of millions voters placed in him. Thanks to this executive order, countless children and their families will hopefully be spared from the terrible harm of transgender drugs and surgeries, while those who were harmed will find it easier to obtain restitution for the damage done to them.

“We sincerely commend President Trump for acting to end this horrendous medical malpractice, and we call on Congress to follow the president’s lead to ensure the transgender industry is never allowed to destroy the health of another child again.”

To schedule an engagement with American Principles Project, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or paul@americanprinciplesproject.org.


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