

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

Trump Pledges to Protect Kids, Families from Transgender Industry

January 31, 2023
In a video announcement released today, Donald Trump pledged to take a number of actions to protect children and families from the transgender industry if elected president…

‘Truce’ Advocate Mitch Daniels Passes on Indiana Senate Race

January 31, 2023
According to reports today, former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will not be entering the race to replace current Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.). Daniels’ decision leaves Rep. Jim…

APP Completes 13-State, $15 Million Midterm Election Campaign

November 8, 2022
WASHINGTON — Today, American Principles Project (APP) and its affiliated super PAC officially completed its nationwide 2021-22 midterm cycle, the largest in its history. APP spent a…

New Poll: Voters Reject Democrats on Abortion, Support Pro-Family Economic Policies

October 6, 2022
WASHINGTON — Today, American Principles Project (APP) and The Clapham Group released results from a poll of voters in six states with races for open Senate seats,…

APP Helps Deliver Wins in Key Primary Races

August 3, 2022
As the dust settles on yesterday’s primary elections, American Principles Project (APP) is celebrating numerous great results for the pro-family movement. The most important was in Michigan’s…

APP Cheers Defeat of “Sell-Out Republican” Rep. Meijer in Mich. Primary

August 3, 2022
According to reports, John Gibbs has defeated incumbent Rep. Peter Meijer in the GOP primary for Michigan’s 3rd congressional district. American Principles Project’s super PAC was active…

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