Terry Schilling on Newsmax TV Discussing Importance of Fatherhood
May 3, 2021
On Saturday, American Principles Project president Terry Schilling joined Newmax TV’s “The Benny Report” to discuss the importance of fatherhood and family to American society. You can…
Terry Schilling on Newsmax TV Discussing Problems with Critical Race Theory
March 19, 2021
Earlier today, American Principles Project president Terry Schilling joined Newsmax TV to discuss to many problems with critical race theory and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ efforts to…
Jon Schweppe on Newsmax TV Discussing Media Censorship
February 18, 2021
Yesterday, APP director of policy and government affairs Jon Schweppe appeared on Newsmax TV’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight” to discuss efforts by progressives to censor conservative media. You…
Terry Schilling on Newsmax TV Discussing 2020 Election
May 21, 2020
This morning, American Principles Project executive director Terry Schilling appeared on Newmax TV to discuss the latest developments in the 2020 presidential race. You can watch his…