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APP Urges Reform to Combat Big Tech Censorship in Comment to FCC

August 28, 2020

Following the signing earlier this year of President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) filed a petition to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) asking the FCC to “expeditiously propose regulations” reflecting the administration’s statement of policy regarding Section 230.

As part of this, the FCC has opened the NTIA petition up for public comment. Yesterday, Jon Schweppe, director of policy and government affairs for American Principles Project, and civil liberties attorney Craig Parshall submitted a comment supporting the administration’s effort to discourage Big Tech censorship and calling for a reform of Section 230:

It is the view of APP that Section 230 still has value, but requires legislative amendment to achieve what should be its dual mandate: protecting children from pornography and obscenity, while simultaneously creating a digital public square where the value of free speech is cherished and where, as envisioned in the Findings of the original bill, “a true diversity of political discourse, unique opportunities for cultural development, and myriad avenues for intellectual activity” are promoted.

You can read the full comment here.

To schedule an interview with an APP policy expert, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or pdupont@americanprinciplesproject.org.


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