

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

Biden Admin Weaponizes DOJ Against Concerned Parents

October 5, 2021
Yesterday, the Department of Justice announced a new initiative to “address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel.” The action comes following a letter from…

Terry Schilling: Why I Pulled My Kids from Public Schools and How to Fight Back

October 1, 2021
Yesterday, APP President Terry Schilling was invited to speak at St. Raymond of Peñafort Catholic Church in Springfield, Va., on the state of public education and how…

Terry McAuliffe Reveals Democrats’ Anti-Parent, Anti-Family Agenda

September 29, 2021
During last night’s Virginia gubernatorial debate, Democrat nominee and former Governor Terry McAuliffe defended his veto of a bill in 2016 which would have mandated that schools…

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