
Tell DOJ: Protect Our Kids from Pornography

To the Department of Justice:

Smartphones and other technological advances have fundamentally transformed the pornography industry — threatening the well-being of children like never before. According to one report, the average child will encounter pornography before their 12th birthday. This is unconscionable, and it’s also technically illegal.

There are a number of laws on the books banning the transfer of obscene material, including one that bans the transfer of obscene material to children under the age of 16. These laws have gone unenforced for decades. Now the Department of Justice must take action.

Across America, 15 state legislatures have declared pornography to be a public-health crisis. Porn is everywhere — and parents are left to fend for themselves against a nefarious industry that insists on exposing their children to inappropriate and often horrific sexual material.

Doing nothing is no longer an option as more and more kids are harmed everyday. We strongly urge the Department of Justice to enforce existing law and protect children.

It’s time to enforce existing obscenity laws and crack down on the online pornography industry.


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