
Tell Congress: Support a ‘Family First’ Stimulus Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a serious toll on American families. While previous stimulus packages have focused on emergency economic relief and healthcare, Washington cannot ignore the needs of families. And the threat is real.

  • Following the Great Recession, 2.3 million fewer babies were born in the US
  • Since mid-March, over 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment
  • More than 50 million children are shut-out of school

Throughout history, the family has served as the first line of support in times of difficulty. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different. Americans are relying on families for financial help, moral support and childcare like never before.

If Congress moves forward with any additional economic stimulus packages, they must prioritize policies which strengthen families and family-formation.

One excellent way to do this would be by passing the Cassidy-Sinema “baby bonus” plan, which would allow parents to receive a $5,000 advance on their child tax credit upon the birth or adoption of a new child. Other similar, pro-family policy ideas would also be welcome.

One thing is clear:

We cannot allow American families to become another COVID-19 casualty. Congress must put families first in any new stimulus bills!


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