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Over 150 Texas Conservative Leaders Press Gov. Abbott for Stronger Pro-Family Laws

January 21, 2022

WASHINGTON — This week, over 150 Texas conservative leaders sent a letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott pressing him to make a stronger effort to defend the state’s families from the woke left. The letter states:

In addition to a regular session in which needed pro-family reforms were stalled, lawmakers have had three additional special sessions during which they should have moved to protect Texans against the ever advancing “WOKE” agenda. They failed. […]

We need an immediate special session of the legislature to deal with three outstanding items to protect the innocent among us from those seeking to kill and destroy families.

The letter goes on to outline the three issues: outlawing sex-change procedures on children, banning biological males from competing in women’s sports at the collegiate level, and requiring Internet service providers to offer pornographic material blocking as a default in order to protect children.

American Principles Project (APP) was the lead organizer of the letter. APP President Terry Schilling also released the following statement:

“Texans are among the most family-oriented Americans in the country. And yet, as the woke left has ramped up its attacks on the family, Texas Republican leaders have not stepped up to the challenge. This has left Texas families tragically vulnerable. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

“Gov. Abbott must act immediately to address these threats. Banning child sex changes, defending collegiate women’s sports, and protecting kids from online porn are all critical issues that have enormous support across the board. Tackling these issues would put Texas once again at the forefront of the pro-family movement. This is an incredible opportunity, and we hope Gov. Abbott will take advantage of it. Pro-family Texans expect nothing less.”

To schedule an interview with a policy expert at American Principles Project, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or pdupont@americanprinciplesproject.org.


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