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New APP Report Exposes Origins, Influence of “Transgender Leviathan”

November 17, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, American Principles Project Foundation (APPF) released a new report, “The Transgender Leviathan,” exploring the origins of the now-powerful movement to normalize transgender ideology in law and culture.

The report, authored by journalist and APPF senior fellow Pedro Gonzalez, dives into both the historical development of transgenderism as well as the profitable industry it has now become. Gonzalez also traces how those Big Pharma profits have helped bankroll an increasingly influential lobbying effort to weaken laws protecting parental rights and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable children.

You can read an executive summary of “The Transgender Leviathan” here.

APPF President Terry Schilling released the following statement explaining the report’s importance:

“Over the last decade, there has been an explosion in individuals, especially kids, identifying as transgender. While the far left has celebrated this as an advance for ‘diversity’ and openness, the truth is far more troubling.

“As Pedro Gonzalez documents in this report, the widespread normalization of transgenderism has been fueled by a mix of factors: the ideological capture of key cultural institutions, the financial profitability to Big Pharma of encouraging gender transitions, and well-funded lobbying campaigns in politics. And despite the enormous evidence that this movement is damaging the physical and mental health of countless children, its advocates continue to press forward, while gaslighting the public as to the horrible effects.

“To fight back effectively, we have to expose the truth. That is what ‘The Transgender Leviathan’ aims to do, and we look forward to educating lawmakers and all Americans in the coming weeks on the reality behind this destructive movement and what we must do to stop it.”

Download a full copy of the report here.

To schedule an engagement with American Principles Project Foundation, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or pdupont@americanprinciplesproject.org.


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