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APP Responds to Supreme Court Agreeing to Hear Miss. Pro-Life Case

May 17, 2021

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case regarding Mississippi’s law protecting unborn children after 15 weeks.

In response, Terry Schilling, president of American Principles Project, released the following statement:

“Abortion destroys both lives and families. For this reason, it is highly encouraging to see the Supreme Court agree to take up the case of Mississippi’s law protecting the unborn.

“Half a century of legalized abortion has been devastating on the American family. If the death of over 60 million unborn children weren’t bad enough — and it is horrifying — research has also suggested a connection between the legalization of abortion and our country’s collapsing marriage rate.

“Next term, the new Court will have the opportunity to finally address the pernicious anti-life, anti-family precedent of Roe v. Wade, and we are hopeful at the very least it will declare the obvious: that pro-life laws like the one in Mississippi are obviously constitutional.”

To schedule an interview with Terry Schilling, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or pdupont@americanprinciplesproject.org


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