

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

Kate Busbee

May 30, 2024
Kate Busbee serves as a donor relations associate for American Principles Project, playing a pivotal role on the organization’s fundraising team. Prior to joining APP, she worked…

Brad Neuhaus

April 16, 2024
Brad Neuhaus serves as development associate for American Principles Project. Prior to joining APP, he co-founded and worked with multiple technology and manufacturing startups. He is a…

Robert Moore

April 16, 2024
Robert Moore is the Operations Associate at the American Principles Project. Prior to joining APP, Robert worked at the Common Sense Society in operations, administrative support, and…

Anthony LaBruna

December 18, 2023
Anthony LaBruna is the Executive Director at the American Principles Project. Prior to joining APP, he worked at the White House during the Trump Administration as the…

Alfonso Aguilar

December 15, 2023
Alfonso Aguilar is one of the top conservative Hispanic leaders in the country.  As Director of Hispanic Engagement at American Principles Project, he works to garner an…

Joe Proenza

July 28, 2022
Joe Proenza serves as the political director for American Principles Project, where he works to identify and support pro-family politicians across the country. Joe is a Georgia…

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