Vote Recommendation - H.R. 2480

Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (SCAPTA)

To reauthorize the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.
H.R. 2480
Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA)

We urge lawmakers to oppose SCAPTA and instead pass a clean reauthorization of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act by stripping the House-added provisions, including the gender identity provision (H.R. 2480 Section 202 (1)(D)).

Slipping Transgender Ideology into Child Abuse Prevention

House Democrats have hijacked legislation designed to protect and support truly abused children in order to make it easier for transgender activists to control the healthcare decisions of minor children and coerce parents into going along with it by threatening to take their children away if they don’t.

SCAPTA expands child abuse outreach to “sexual and gender minority youth,” referencing a definition from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC in turn relies on guidance from a powerful transgender political lobbying group, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), who recommends a regimen of puberty blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and possible surgery for children who say they identify as the opposite gender.

Language in this bill also requires states to partner with organizations who work with “sexual and gender minority youth” in their child abuse protection work. This mechanism allows groups like the NCTE to advise the government that parents who resist sex transition procedures for their kids are abusive, and that these children should be removed from their parents’ custody.

Children Deserve Medically Sound Healthcare

Despite many parents rightly questioning the idea that medical intervention is the best treatment for a child with body image issues or an immature understanding of gender, the Left is enforcing its radical gender ideology with an iron fist, hijacking the most fundamental human relationship — that of a parent and child. Already, parents in Ohio have lost custody of their minor daughter when they questioned a gender clinic’s decision to give her testosterone treatment. This decision to strip parental rights from good, loving parents was celebrated by transgender activist organizations.

Key Facts

  • 80-95% of children who experience gender dysphoria naturally reconcile these feelings by the time they’ve gone through puberty.
  • GBT activists insist that children as young as 2 or 3 have an innate sense of their true gender and that adults should recognize and affirm this through medical interventions such as puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and surgery.
  • 100% of children seeking help at Cincinnati Children’s Transgender Health Clinic were recommended for such medical interventions.

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