APP Opposes “Sabotaged” VAWA Reauthorization Bill
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, which Democrats have changed to include language prohibiting discrimination based on “gender identity” in certain circumstances.
In response, Terry Schilling, executive director of American Principles Project, released the following statement:
“The Violence Against Women Act is an important funding package that we deeply wish we could support, but unfortunately, it has been sabotaged by the Democrats purely for political gain. Like the so-called “Equality Act”, Democrats have inserted “gender identity non-discrimination” language into VAWA that actually encourages violence against the very women it was designed to protect.
“The current bill requires women’s domestic violence housing, rape crisis shelters, and even women’s prisons to admit biological males solely on their claim that they “identify” as a woman. We know that when women have been abused, encountering a man in a space that is supposed to be safe and private can be extremely traumatizing. And we know that sexual predators will do anything in order to gain access to victims. This bill reads like an advertisement to predators, and it creates a legal mess that puts women and girls nationwide at risk of being physically and emotionally re-victimized.
“All victims of violence, including individuals who identify as transgender, deserve protection, care, and support. But providing that assistance doesn’t require turning VAWA into a “Predators’ Bill of Rights.” If we really care about protecting and healing all victims of violence, we shouldn’t gut the law designed to help some under the guise of helping others.
“And if the real goal of the radical progressives demanding this language is to reinforce the idea that “gender identity” trumps biological sex — then shame on the Democrats for using abused women and girls as their political pawns.”
Click here to read APP’s full position on the bill.
To schedule an interview with Terry Schilling, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or