APP Press - Elections

APP Blasts Democrat VP Pick Tim Walz for Anti-Family Extremism

August 6, 2024

According to reports, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to serve as her running mate for the upcoming general election.

Walz has been a strident supporter of the transgender agenda for much of his political career. While governor of Minnesota, he signed HF 146, the state’s so-called “trans refuge” law, which threatens to remove custody from parents of children coming from out of state to access sex-change procedures. Last year, American Principles Project (APP) issued a travel advisory for families visiting the state due to the law.

Walz was also a supporter in Congress of legislation which would force schools to allow males in girls’ sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, and other private spaces. And as governor, he has consistently opposed efforts to protect women and girls.

In response, APP President Terry Schilling released the following statement blasting the Democrat ticket:

“Kamala Harris’s selection today of Tim Walz as her running mate sends a clear message to America: the Democrat Party is all in on its far-left cultural agenda.

“Walz is one of the few Democrats whose radical record rivals Harris’s own. From Congress to the Governor’s Mansion, Walz has relentlessly attacked families and pushed gender insanity. He has thrown his support behind efforts to eviscerate parental rights, inject gender ideology and other far-left ideas into schools, and open up girls’ sports and private spaces to males. Under his watch, Minnesota has become one of the most dangerous states in America for parents.

“There can be no doubt that a Harris-Walz administration would be a disaster for families. It’s critical that parents recognize the stakes, which is why our super PAC has committed to spending $18 million to inform millions of persuadable voters in swing states about the Democrats’ extreme cultural agenda. Harris and Walz cannot be allowed to run or hide from this record, and we will make sure they are forced to confront it.”

To schedule an engagement with American Principles Project, contact Paul Dupont at (o) 202-503-2010 or paul@americanprinciplesproject.org


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