

American Principles Project is the premier national organization engaging directly in campaigns and advocacy on behalf of the family.

APP Denounces Ohio Gov. DeWine for Caving to Transgender Industry

December 29, 2023
Today, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that he will be vetoing HB 68, legislation which would prohibit the prescription of puberty-blocking drugs and hormones and the performance…

APP Condemns Wis. Gov. Evers for Vetoing Ban on Sex Changes for Minors

December 6, 2023
Today, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers vetoed AB 465, legislation which would have prohibited the administration of puberty-blocking drugs and hormones and the performance of surgeries on minors…

APP Testifies on Wisconsin Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors

October 5, 2023
Yesterday, APP’s Sandra Kirby testified at a hearing in the Wisconsin State Assembly in favor of AB 465, legislation which would ban sex-change drugs and surgeries for…

N.C. Lawmakers Override Gov. Cooper to Protect Women’s Sports, Ban Sex Changes for Minors

August 16, 2023
Today, the North Carolina state legislature overrode Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of two bills, enacting into law HB 808, a ban on the prescription of puberty blockers,…

Louisiana Lawmakers Override Veto to Ban Sex Changes for Minors

July 19, 2023
Yesterday, the Louisiana state legislature voted to override the veto of Governor John Bel Edwards and enact into law HB 648, banning the prescription of puberty blockers,…

APP Urges House to Defund Wokeness in US Military

July 13, 2023
WASHINGTON — Later today, the US House of Representatives is expected to vote on a number of amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). American Principles…

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